Primarius Univ.-Doz. Dr. Gerhard SLIUTZ
Specialist for gynaecology and obstetrics, head of the gynaecology and obstetrics department at the Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung Vienna hospital 

Phone: +43 1 369 98 25 


Primarius Univ.-Doz. Dr. Gerhard SLIUTZ

Areas of specialisation:
general gynaecology, evaluation of abnormal PAP smears and lesions within the outer genital area (dysplasia outpatient ward), pregnancy care, obstetrics, surgical gynaecology (minimally invasive surgical procedures such as endoscopy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy), gynaecological oncology

Since 2007 Primarius (department head) for gynaecology and obstetrics at the Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung Vienna hospital

> List of publications

Personal data

Born in Klagenfurt on 02 March 1964

Married to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Kucera-Sliutz since 2001

2 children (born 2005, 2007)

Hobbies: cooking, bicycling, Pilates, classical music (opera)